Saturday 13 December 2014

                                                     MARGARET HAMILTON

Margaret Hamilton was responsible for creating software of the Apollo 11 program, thanks to this program, Apollo 11 stepped on the moon. In the past women were them who worked in operating in machines calculators, them made simple "work" spread early computer, the first programs were senzillos and learning. It was a very memorable breakthrough.

 She´s Margaret Hamilton whit the books of her program

Monday 1 December 2014


Hello again!

 This unit is called Spreadsheets. In this unit we did many activities in a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application program for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form. Each cell of the array is a model–view–controller element that can contain either numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that automatically calculate and display a value based on the contents of other cells.
The word "spreadsheet" came from "spread" in its sense of a newspaper or magazine item (text and/or graphics) that covers two facing pages, extending across the center fold and treating the two pages as one large one. The compound word "spread-sheet" came to mean the format used to present book-keeping ledgers.

The worksheet that we have used is called CALC, a very powerful program to make calculations, formulas... will create all kinds of documents with ease thanks to their autopilots, for example small databases to enhance the management of their projects.

We have 6 activities make tables, charts, GDP per capita., GDP billions U$A...
I dont really do not like much this the content of this topic

Thursday 25 September 2014

Hello everyone! This summer I have been super good. This little we in 2nd of ESO have done several things like working with your computer to make us photos from different angles and then enhance errors had, a picture of Homer simpson also for retouching mistakes, have given a piece of ergonomics: correct postures to sit when we are with the computer, for example: straightthe view must be at a distance of an arm to monitor, place the hands, etc. Shoulders and arms relaxed, and also learned a few stretches that you can do when you have much time with your computer: stretch neck, arms, back, etc.



Tuesday 20 May 2014

The first version of GIMP was originally developed on Unix systems and was especially designed for GNU / Linux. It has also been ported to other operating systems, making the graphics manipulation program available in most operating systems. It can be considered a strong, powerful and fast alternative for many uses such as Photoshop, but has not been developed as a clone of Photoshop and has a very different interface. I like GIMP because is programe that you can retouch a photo or edit it. What I liked most of GIMP is the clone tool, and intelligent scissors.

  This is a logo of GIMP, the cat with a paintbrush

This image is Istambul with sunlight effect

This is a mill in which there was a person before, and they have been removed with a clone effect. 

These are five planes flying towards each other.I rotated the images to face each other.

This image is Istambul with a
retinex effect.

This is the second logo of GIMP made with paths tool, and with patterns

Monday 24 February 2014

The unit can we saw is called: WRITER.
We have learned, the character, paragraph, page cell, title, subtitle, numbering, style, bulleting, background color, page, footer, header, tables, pictures etc...
We did some activities on a computer in LibeOffice, we saw two videos: one about the history of Linux, the creator of Linux is Linus Benedict Torvalds and the logo of Linux is a penguin, and the other video is lenses of the future, it´s incredible! We understand the videos in English, and Jessica helps us when we have questions in English.

Sunday 5 January 2014

The unit that we study is Computers and Fundamentals. We have learned the parts of the computer, the classification of Hardware: DVD, the Hard Drive, the connectors, the graphics, sound, the Mother board, the heat sink and fan, and the CPU, then, the table of bytes: bit, byte, kilobyte,megabyte, gigabyte, and terabyte, the history of the computers, what is Hardware, the pheripherals, input and output, the electrical generation, the transistors,and generation mini and generation micro. We have built our computer with 450€ (we chose the components, the brand...) and we did exercises on bytes.
The most interesting for me has been to build our computer with the components.

The unit that we study is Computers Fundamentals.
We haf learned the parts of a computer, the table of bytes,what is Hrdware, and pheripherals, input and output. We have built our computer with 450 €, and we did exercises on bytes.
The most interesting for me has been to build our computer, with the components.